Taking into account requests from prospective participants at YMC 2015,
Abstract submission deadline has been extended!!!
If you have not submitted an abstract to YMC 2015, please note that the deadline for submission has been extended to: July 31, 2015.
We cordially invite you to submit the abstract of your contribution directly to the following addresses:
at knowledge to:
Abstracts of maximum 300 words should be submitted.
Abstract must contain the paper title, the authors names, their corresponding affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses.
All submitted abstracts (please both in DOC and in PDF) should be written in English.
To submit your abstract use the “Abstract form” here
After the Colloquium, participants will be invited to submit written version of contribution for possible publication in a guest-edited Special Issue”(note: only contributions registered and presented at the Colloquium)
Themes of the colloquium include but are not limited to:
- Climate changes and fluvial system
- Sediment motion at the bed interface
- Sediment transport and coastal sediment budget estimation
- Sediment-biota interactions
- Fluvial requalification
- Flow discharge and morphodynamics
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