YMC 2015
Fundamental river processes and
Connection between fluvial and coastal systems in a changing climate
November 19-20, 2015
Dear Attendees:
I would like to personally thank each of you for your enthusiastic participation and your interesting contribution and fruitful discussion.
Take a look to the photo gallery!
A "thanks" also goes out to the organizational, technical and administrative staff members who helped put on the event.
Donatella Termini
Chair of Local Organizing Committee |
University of Palermo
Palermo (Italy)

The “M.S. YALIN MEMORIAL COLLOQUIUM” aims to create an environment for reflection, discussion and exchange of knowledge regarding peculiar selected topics in memory of Professor M. Selim Yalin, widely known for his contributions in the area of hydraulic physical modeling, sediment transport and river mechanics.
The present Colloquium pays special attention to fundamental processes in rivers and interconnections between fluvial and coastal morphodynamics in a changing climate. It is a sound opportunity to discuss and to learn about problems resulting from the connection between rivers in the hinterland and coastal systems and the influence of climate changes.
The Colloquium will provide high quality state-of-the-art scientific information and assumes the participation of a limited number of scientists (around 30-40) and a small number of invited speakers. Thus, the Colloquium will be characterized by a comfortable time frame for presentations and fruitful discussion.
Please confirm your participation by e-mail to donatella.termini@unipa.it (and to yalinmc@gmailcom) as soon as possible and submit the abstract of your contribution.
After the colloquium, written version of contributions will be published in a guest-edited Special Issue.