Payment of conference fee is now open:
The registration fee is:
- full rate: 150,00 €
- students: 90,00 €
- Special rate for students of regular academic degree courses at Palermo’s University: 50,00 €
The deadline for regular registration payment is May, 30 2015.
Late registrations:
- full rate: 170,00 €
- students: 100,00 €
- regular students(*) of Palermo’s University: 50,00 €
The registration fee is exempt from V.A.T.
Late registration deadline (for presenter of contribution included on the program): July 31, 2015.
NEW: For attendees who are not presenting (who are not on the program) the registration deadline has been extended to:
November 7, 2015.
On-site registration is strongly discouraged.If you would like to register onsite or have questions about your registration, please contact the
The fee includes participation to all parts of the event, coffee breaks and lunches mentioned in the program, the dinner on 19 November, possibility of submitting a paper after Colloquium in a guest-edited Special Issue
(*)The fee includes participation to all parts of the event, coffee breaks and lunches mentioned in the program. Certificate of participation could be used to obtain CFU (art. 10, D.M. 270/2004). The students should indicate their identification number (“n. matricola”).
Please, complete the attached registration form and return it by email to:
and at knowledge to:
You can download registration form here
Regular students of Palermo’s University download student registration form here
Payment method
All payments should be made in Euro by bank transfer, without any bank charges to the organizers.
Details for the bank transfer are as follows:
Account holder: Università degli Studi di Palermo – DICAM D10
Holder address: Piazza Marina, 61 – 90133 Palermo (Italy)
Bank name: Unicredit S.P.A.
Bank address: Via Roma 185 – Palermo (Italy)
Account number: 000300004577
ABI 02008 - CAB 04682
IBAN: IT09A0200804682000300004577
Reason for payment: DICAM – YMC2015-Memorial Colloquium registration
Please note that the participant's name has to be in given in the description of the bank transfer (Reason for payment).
For enquiries or further information about conference registration and attendance, please contact:
- Giulio Pucci (
- Alice Di Leonardo (
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